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Billy Bunter - Skilton & Cassell publications
38 Volumes from 1947 to 1965 - All 1st Editions
Billy Bunter's Bolt
Thanks to Bunter
The Banishing of Billy Bunter
Billy Bunter in Brazil
Backing Up Billy Bunter
Bunter Out of Bounds
Billy Bunter and the Blue Mauritius
Billy Bunter's Barring-Out
Billy Bunter's Brainwave
Billy Bunter's First Case
Billy Bunter's Double
Billy Bunter's Bargain
Billy Bunter's Banknote
Bunter's Last Fling *
Bunter the Sportsman
Billy Bunter's Treasure Hunt
Bunter the Stowaway
Bunter Does His Best
Billy Bunter's Postal Order
Bunter the Caravanner